photo de profil d'un membre

Andrea Jouffray

CV Andrea Jouffray- english

Situation professionnelle

En recherche active

Souhait professionnel

Business Development - Consulting
De 1 à 5 ans
Entre 35 k€ et 55 k€
Type de contrat
33 Gironde, 59 Nord, 75 Paris - Portugal
- Chargé de mission
- Chef de projet
- Responsable de zone export
- Environnement, Traitement des déchets, Eau
- Production d'énergie, Extraction
- Administration / Public / Parapublic


Looking for new opportunity

Action-oriented, supporting sustainable growth and innovation, I have built up my experience in the field in France and then in Latin America with the ambition to implement sustainable urban development strategies and mitigate the impact of projects on climate change.

* Skills in strategy // business development // project management // team management

* Expertises:
- Ecological transition // sustainability // carbon // climate // water management // smart city // real estate and urban planning
- Change management // strategic and service design // stakeholders engagement // collective intelligence // open innovation

* Languages: French // English // Spanish //Portuguese

* Mobility:
- France: Lille // Bordeaux // Paris
- International: opened to mobility depending on the opportunity

Have a look to my profile and let’s have a talk!

Parcours officiels

VIE – BRESIL – 2020